Wednesday 9 March 2011

Q: 2 combination main product and ancillary texts


How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

We needed our film to be promoted and marketed in the same way any big production would be if we were to place it in the market. Therefore we had to create various film posters and a film review in order to attract our targeted audience. For example most film use posters to also attract an audience that would not usually watch comedy films. The posters are usually posted on walls, buses and on the internet to attract as much of an audience as they can in their niche audience.

We also made a film review to give our audience more of an insight into the film allowing them to get an idea of what the film may be like whereas posters show you what the film is, reviews would tell you what the film is actually about.

We wanted our posters to reflect upon our film by being able to show the chav, comedy and lottery element to our posters. This was because if we made a poster that did not reflect our film it would not attract to our targeted audience and would not have got the preferred reading we intended for. For the first poster we decided to go follow the way the inbetweeners adverts had been set out. As all the characters are placed in a stance and making facial expressions that suited their characters a simple desaturated black and white contrasted effect was used to show the comedic and unreal element of the programme. I decided to take a screen shot of an original scene from our film in order to make it more realistic as I thought it would suit the poster.

For my second poster I looked at the poster of a comedy film that I had already watched (Kickin It Old skool) which I thought was funny. So I decided to take their idea of doing the posters for each of the characters in the film which would allow the audience to focus on individual characters which would be helpful as it would make them instantly pick out their favourite. They also used a black and white contrast in the background which they used wisely as they the black dots are sprayed all over the background like graffiti which matches the theme of the film being set in the 1980’s party and hip hop era.

When writing the review on our film we decided to chose empire as the magazine to feature our film in as it is a one of the best British magazines for film information and reviews by featuring our film in the empire it would easily allow us to reach out to a tougher audience to please. As our film is an independent film it would make it harder to get a good review from film critics as it would be harder to win a place over mainstream films. However by placing our film review in the empire it allowed us to reach out to a mass audience instead of audiences who only read about independent films. we did them by making our review match with the typical colour scheme of the empire magazine to make it look more realistic to the audience at first sight. We had to think about the font, the size, whether to use line spacing or not and what colours to use for example we used blue and green to make our review bubbly and also those are the kind of colours the would attract our targeted young audience.

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