Wednesday 9 March 2011

research into film Amelie

I chose to analyse this shot used in amelie because of its
amazing angle and the fact the it is an establishing shot
which shows the audience where amelie lives however
also using this angle and natrual lighting to inhance
on the size of the building making the shop at the bottom
stand out as it is the only thing in the shot with
some colour.

I chose this shot because of the shapes the director has
used to reflect upon the character's personality.
for example how the photo hanging on the wall
behand amilie are all in a sqaure shaped form, also
the fact that there are two small ones on the sides
and to big ones on top shows the side of her which is
a perfectionist.

I chose this image from the film simply because of the
colours the director and cinematographer has used
in the shot to create mood and atmosphere, also it helps
the audience easily establish the setting.
for example we can decode that she is in a cinema
as the blue light shines of her face and because of
the red contrast of the chair she is siting on
creating a sense of realism as this is what the audience
are used to seeing these contrast in cinemas.

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